Monthly Archives: November 2024

Drug Possession Arrest After a Stop and Frisk
If you are stopped and frisked in Denver, and you are arrested for drug possession based on a substance the police found on your person, it is essential to know your rights under the Fourth Amendment and how courts look at the “stop and frisk” in relation to constitutional violations. In case you were… Read More »

Understanding Blood Testing in Colorado Drunk Driving Cases
Whether you are facing allegations of driving while ability impaired (DWAI) or driving under the influence (DUI), you ultimately may have a blood test administered in order to determine your blood alcohol concentration. What are some of the key things you should know about blood tests or blood draws in relation to DWAI or… Read More »

What is the Difference Between a Preliminary and an Evidentiary Breath Test?
When it comes to being arrested for or charged with a DWAI or DUI in Colorado, it is critical to know that there are different types of breath tests — and you have not given implied or express consent for all types of tests. To be clear, you do actually have a right (without… Read More »

Can a Blood Draw Be Forced in a DUI Case?
When you get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle or a motorcycle and you drive on a road in Colorado, you are giving what is known as “expressed consent” to have your blood alcohol concentration tested if you are suspected of driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while ability impaired (DWAI). The… Read More »