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By DeChant Law |

What You Should Know About Drug Possession and DUI-D Charges

When a Colorado driver aged 21 or older is stopped for driving while ability impaired (DWAI) or driving under the influence (DUI), any subsequent DWAI or DUI charges do not involve allegations about whether or not the driver lawfully consumed the alcohol. To be clear, for adults aged 21 and up, drinking alcohol is... More

By DeChant Law |

Defending Against Vehicular Homicide Charges in Denver

If you are driving a motor vehicle in Colorado and are involved in a collision that results in another person’s death — whether that person is an occupant of another vehicle or a person on foot or riding a bicycle — you could face vehicular homicide charges. In order for a person to be... More

By DeChant Law |

Will an Underage Drunk Driving Conviction Stay On My Record?

Whether you are convicted of driving while ability impaired (DWAI) or driving under the influence (DUI) in Colorado, it is critical to understand that having a prior conviction can impact the outcome of a subsequent DWAI or DUI case. And although Colorado law does allow some criminal convictions to be sealed or expunged, DWAI... More

By DeChant Law |

When Can Breathalyzer Results Get Thrown Out?

If you are stopped on suspicion of a DWAI or DUI, it is important to know up front that you do not have to submit to a chemical test when asked, including a breath test administered by a law enforcement officer using a breathalyzer. You do, however, have to submit to a breath or... More

By DeChant Law |

What Counts as a Prior DUI Offense for Sentencing Purposes?

If you are facing charges for driving under the influence (DUI) in Colorado and you have a prior DUI, the penalties you face are significantly more serious. For a subsequent DUI, a jail sentence cannot be suspended (meaning you will typically be required to serve some form of jail time, and at least 10... More

By DeChant Law |

DWAI and DUI Charges with a CDL

Do you have a commercial driver license (CDL), and were you recently stopped for driving while ability impaired (DWAI) or driving under the influence (DUI) in Colorado? If so, it is critical for you to know that CDL holders who are arrested for intoxicated driving face more serious consequences than motorists who do not... More

By DeChant Law |

Out-of-State Drivers and DUIs and DWAIs in Colorado

Colorado has some of the strictest laws in the country when it comes to intoxicated driving. Not only can a motorist face charges for driving under the influence (DUI) if they have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or higher, or otherwise is under the influence of alcohol, but Colorado also has a... More

By DeChant Law |

What to Know About Marijuana and DUI-D Charges in Colorado

Colorado’s driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while ability impaired (DWAI) laws apply to alcohol intoxication, but they also apply to intoxication or impairment caused by drugs, including marijuana and many other prescription drugs that you may be taking legally. As such, you can face DWAI or DUI charges — often known as... More

By DeChant Law |

How Can a Prior Conviction Affect My DUI Case?

A first-time conviction for driving while ability impaired (DWAI) or driving under the influence (DUI) can have serious consequences, even if you have never had any type of criminal charges in the past. Yet DWAI and DUI cases become much more serious when you are facing a subsequent offense. In other words, a prior... More

By DeChant Law |

What to Expect from a Colorado Field Sobriety Test

If you are stopped on suspicion of drunk driving or drugged driving in the Denver area, the law enforcement officer who stops you might want you to get out of your car and participate in a test known as a field sobriety test. While there are a range of field sobriety tests that have... More