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Denver Criminal Defense & DUI Lawyer / Castle Rock DUI Lawyer

Castle Rock DUI Lawyer

Colorado has cracked down on drunk driving, and many motorists rightly fear that they will face serious penalties if convicted. Nothing is more terrifying than seeing lights in your rearview mirror after you’ve had too much to drink. The state will quickly slap criminal charges on you and move to suspend your license.

Please call DeChant Law today. A Castle Rock DUI lawyer with our firm can review the facts surrounding your arrest, as well as your criminal history. Many factors will determine what punishment you might receive if convicted. Once hired, we can identify the right path to reach the best result.

Penalties for Castle Rock, CO DUI

Any DUI conviction can result in serious penalties. For a first-time DUI, you are facing a minimum of 5 days in jail, up to one year. You will also have to pay a fine and perform community service. Helpfully, a judge might suspend the mandatory five days if you complete an alcohol treatment program.

Anyone facing a second DUI charge in the past 10 years is looking at a minimum of 10 days in jail, up to one year. When someone nets four DUIs, then they can face felony charges, which carry a maximum of two years in prison.

Will you end up in jail after a DUI arrest? Defendants do have options. A judge can suspend mandatory time behind bars in certain cases or utilize sentencing alternatives, such as home detention. Most of our clients have jobs or families and hope to remain out of jail. Let us review whether these are options in your case.

Another fear is having a license suspended. In Colorado, a DUI has two parts:

  • An administrative part, where the state suspends your license because of the arrest, regardless of whether you are convicted in court of DUI. You can also have a license suspended if you refuse a roadside test.
  • A criminal part, where the state must prove you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Once arrested, you should quickly request a hearing with the Department of Motor Vehicles to fight the license suspension. Call DeChant Law. We can represent our clients at the administrative hearing and argue for why you should keep your driving privileges.

Speak with a Castle Rock DUI Lawyer Today

An arrest is scary. But it’s critical to recognize that an arrest is not a conviction. At DeChant Law, we have won many DUI cases for clients who were not intoxicated. We can attack the validity of the stop, show why any roadside test results are unreliable, and present your version of events. In other cases, we might seek a plea deal to reduce the charges and keep you out of jail.

You can win a DUI. Never assume a case against you is open and shut or that it’s hopeless to fight. Our firm is dedicated to ensuring that people don’t suffer lifelong penalties for what was a simple mistake. Call our Castle Rock DUI attorney to schedule your free consultation with a member of the DeChant Law’s legal team.